Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pulled Groin Muscle and Forced R&R

Okay, so you might say that Elder Blain is paying for his adventure as American Football King at the scout camp, but he would argue that his pain is from moving wrong.  In any case, he is laid up enough that we have decided to follow our Internet consultant on YouTube (isn't it wonderful to get expert? advice at the click of the keys?) and let it rest instead of pushing through it and creating more problems.  Everyone knows Elder B. isn't a cry baby, so he really has to be hurting to not work--especially for the Lord!  Oh, and you can give him that the groin thing happened just yesterday, so it probably had nothing to do with turning into a 19-year-old at the scout camp.

So, I am catching up on a few letters I owe, like one to Bishop W. back home.  Then, I had the luxury of reading Whitney's and Amber's latest posst that left me almost rolling on the floor and wiping a tender tear along with it for the touching girlie stuff.  I love their blogs!  If you aren't reading them, you're missing the fun boat.

Here is the exciting stuff we've seen as we've been out and about teaching:  (Ha, I told you we weren't getting out much!)  Imagine this, we go to a missionary correlation meeting last night and the mission leader tells us if we didn't have anything to report we shouldn't have come!  Just because we dropped two of the people off of the list because they are now active . . . well humph!  Actually, we've been working in the other ward, so there!  We are really laughing about this--honest.

There's a white one . . .
. . . and a pink one . . .

. . . and yellow one . . .
. . . and they all lived in boxes . . .  (that is Elder Blain going to the car after someone blew off our appointment--dejected, huh?  Well, actually the groin pain thing . . .)
. . . and they all looked just the same . . . (the song is really old, so you probably have NO idea what I am even talking about.  This picture shows the fabulous dinner our Zone Leaders fixed us the other night--fajitas!!
Here are all the sister missionaries at the camp last week.  Sister B. (Mission President's wife) is in the middle with brown hair and black skirt.

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