Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hedgehog is Saved!

"And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature . . . and God saw that it was good."  Genesis 1:24-25

Those of you who seemed concerned about my obsession with finding a Hedgehog in England can now relax.  No more will I stare longingly out the window at midnight hoping to see one under the hedges.  Everyone said I'd never see one in town.  Well, I touched one tonight!!  This lady we teach found him in the road by the shopping center last night and now has him in her rabbit hutch.  He was rolled up into a ball and she picked him up with the bedding and I stopped him from falling to the ground as he rolled out.  It is a darling baby hedgehog!!  It hurts to touch him, but I'm proud to say it was worth it.  Below is a picture of
what he looks like, but I didn't take a picture of the actual one since he is just getting used to being in captivity and I didn't want to bother him any more than we had already.  I'll wait until he is more settled into his surroundings.  These little cuties are protected here in England and they even have a Hedgehog Society for the preservation of these gentle but bristly creatures.

The same kind lady who rescued the hedgehog has rescued a tiny mother cat (looks like a kitten herself) that recently delivered three black and white kittens.  She told us it was a good thing she brought the mother cat in from the rabbit hutch where she'd had the kittens because the foxes got her rabbits yesterday!  The rabbits had been running loose and she couldn't catch them to put them back into the hutches.  The world of nature can be cruel.  I don't think the foxes will mess with the hedgehog--ouch.

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