Monday, August 23, 2010

Finding Hope

I have to post this wonderfully insightful poem written by a beautiful 14-year-old young woman whom has had a very difficult life up this point.  She does not have a strong religious background, so the gospel is new to her.  She has been reading and praying faithfully every day.  She and her cousin are both following through with their studies perfectly and like no one we have ever taught before.  She and her new family are blessing our lives beyond explanation.  This poem and she are brilliant (as it is said in England); by the way, she has had very little schooling, so you can appreciate her inborn talent to express herself so poignantly. 


  1. She sounds like a very special girl. :-) I'm glad you guys have been able to reach her.

  2. Wowww that brought tears to my eyes and gave me chills, she has been waiting all her life for you two angels to show up. I love you all the more for giving this girl the gospel.

  3. Thanks, Robyn, you can feel why we go on missions, huh? And we love you all the more for praying for and supporting us.

  4. L.A., Thanks for your love and support. She IS special. We only opened the door. She did what was necessary to receive that happy knowledge.
    :-D lvu
