Friday, September 3, 2010

No Coincidence--It's Guidance

"And the Lord shall guide thee continually . . ."  Isaiah 58:11     "I will lead them whithersoever I will . . ." D&C 38:33

Visiting in the home of some active members yesterday was enlightening and there we heard a great story to pass on.  For some background, these humble folks are a bit older and the husband has had a stroke recently and is dealing with health issues.  The wife has had the challenge of bipolar all of her life.  This couple doesn't let these things keep them from being faithful in their church attendance and service to others.  When I hear the term, "steadfast and immovable in their faith," I shall always remember them.

This couple joined the Church forty years ago.  Sister M. said she never could have brought up her children and functioned as well if she hadn't been blessed with her membership in the Church.  She said that is what got her through the bipolar episodes and helped her recognize the depressing thoughts that came into her head during the low periods were the opposite of what was real and not what God would want her thinking.
 Some years ago, there were tickets being given out for people to go to Manchester to here the Prophet speak for the first time in Manchester, but Brother M. was still "on the land." (being a farmer), and saw no way he could leave as it was harvest season.  The day before the event, it rained exceptionally hard and the forecast projected the same for the next day.  Brother M. couldn't do any farm work because of the rain, but the family still couldn't go to Manchester because they had no tickets to attend.

At 3 a.m. on the morning of the important event, Brother M. woke up and thought that was the time they'd be getting ready to go if they were able to go hear the Prophet speak.  Sister M. woke up and he said, "I'm thinking we could leave now and get to Manchester in time, what do you think?"  She said, "Let's go!"

They got the three children up and went to the car, which had a "touchy" battery.  Brother M. turned the key in the ignition and nothing happened.  Just then, two men stopped and asked for directions to the motorway.  Brother M. told them they could follow his car if they'd help get it going.  The men pushed the car into the road and down the road until the engine fired up.  The men followed them to the motorway, but Brother M. said he looked around and they were nowhere to be seen.

As the family pulled into the field that was set up for parking at this huge gathering, a family they knew from where they used to live pulled up to park right next to them.  Brother M. explained they were there without tickets and the family immediately produced five extra tickets they had because some other people they knew were not able to use them.  

Referring to this story, Brother M. said, "I have had things like this happen to me when it has been something important for me or me family's welfare, and I don't believe there is such a thing as coincidence.  You can call it what you wish, but I call it guidance." 

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