And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and they were, and as they are to come. Doctrine and Covenants 93:24
Jacob sheep hanging out with what I call a "fuzzy cow" ( a minature left over from the great Wooly Mammoth, right?) Actually, we've been informed these are Scottish Highland cattle. |
I know for a truth that England is a beautiful green place. Spring has come, the daffodils have faded and the tulips aren't far behind with the Rododendrons hanging in there. Now is the time leafy things take over. The trees, hedge rows, and other plants are leafing out in every shade of green imaginable. With the leaves comes limited views of the countryside that could be seen through the naked trees and hedges throughout the winter months. Where we once could peek through the hedges and see new lambs in their darling fluffy whiteness, we now see solid hedges. The Preston Temple could be seen from the motorway in all its glory up until about a week ago, but now the trees are blocking all but the spire. The change of seasons is marvelous and we're so grateful to still be in England on this last leg of our mission to be able to see its full height of glory once again. The Royal Wedding is coming Friday and people will have a joyous holiday with that event. It is a nice time of year for a wedding and a street party. Our neighborhood is throwing a party, but but we probably will not join in mainly because many people will be drinking and jolly making.
It was getting dark here. This is overlooking the towns below from the top of the moors. |
Below are more pictures gathered as we drove to and from our various duties these past two days.
Notice the oak tree on the left and compare it to the picture a week later below |
Yesterday at the temple. I LOVE this oak tree in particular (as you can probably guess since I've posted a lot of pictures of it through the seasons). The flowers don't look as bright because there was no sun--it was getting dark. | |
A week ago |
Yesterday | |
Say goodbye to the beautiful Lavernia (or whatever it is called). This picture was taken in its glory last week. It is waning this week. |
These blossoms are beginning to fall off this tree outside our balcony. Elder Blain says it is a cherry tree. |
I finally got some close up pictures of these interesting cows |
Mr. Bull means business |
YSA at the temple last night |
These still- pretty tulips are about gone over the hill |
The lilies are awakened in the pond by the temple and are spreading forth |
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