For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work not among the children of men save it be according to their faith. 2 Nephi 27:23
We went exploring on this narrow road to find a National Trust site where there was the steepest cliffs in Northern Ireland--something like sheer cliffs about 600 feet high. We found this small settlement, which apparently was common in historical times. People lived close together for protection and to survive by sharing their crops and labor.
It was raining and cold, so we never did take the hike out to the cliffs. The trail didn't looked like it was marked well and it was getting dark. |
Beautiful little cottages in their simplicity. Some were attached. |
We went to Portmuck simply because it sounded like a good place to check out with that name and all. It wasn't really mucky at all. People were on the beach and swimming in the freezing water, while children splashed around and built sand castles. They thought it was a regular balmy day, I suppose. I did meet two women putting on their bathing suits in the "toilet" (sounds funny, but that is what it is called), and they squealed, "We must be crazy!" Yeah, since I stood there in a coat and scarf wrapped up against the cold. |
Portmuck, The Port of the Pigs, is a quaint harbour, originally home to a small local fishing fleet. To the west of the harbour are limestone cliffs, which have often yielded prehistoric fossils. Muck Island, just out from this harbour, is an important bird sanctuary for many nesting seabirds and Puffins (which I really, really wanted to see). This is also the site of an ancient abbey and castle.
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The material on this house is attractive, along with the horse head gate posts. This place faces the bay almost at water level. |
There was a trail to climb the cliff overlooking Portmuck, but we went around the other side to look for shells and rocks. |
Elder Blain is checking out the fishing, with Muck Island across the way. We will go back to Scotland via this North Channel. |
Our favorite past time by the sea, checking out the findings |
Getting my foot into the North Sea. From this angle, my leg looks like a prosthesis. No, I was NOT cheating. |
The next place to visit was close to the Republic of Ireland border. This city is called Londonderry, though residents prefer Derry. It is the only remaining completely intact walled cities in Ireland, and stand as one of the finest examples of a walled city in Europe. It is the oldest continually inhabited place in Ireland (beginning in the 6th century). The walls around the city were built in 1613-1619. We walked the entire wall, which had a fabulous view over the city from all angles.
Walking the wall |
One of the towers. There were originally four drawbridges to allow people inside the walls (or keep them out). |
Trees planted on the wall |
A pretty building |
I liked these windows |
Of course I admired all the beautiful flowers hanging in the streets |
Lovely churches--just can't get enough of them |
This is the "Hands Across the Divide" sculpture of two men reaching out to each other, which symbolizes the spirit of reconciliation. This was erected 20 years after Bloody Sunday in 1972, where British troops killed a group of people. It is sometimes referred to as the Bogside massacre. |
These planters made a pretty heart shape |
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