For behold, the Lord doth grant unto all nations, of their own nation and tongue, to teach his word, yea in wisdom, all that he seeth fit that they should have; therefore we see that the Lord doth counsel in wisdom, according to that which is just and true. Alma 29:8
This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. John 15:12
Elder Allan F. Packer, of the First Quorum of the Seventy, and brother of our mission president's wife, came to zone conference to share words of wisdom. His wife also spoke. They filled our day with things of the Spirit and made us grateful that we were here in England at this time to have a meeting such as that.
He said that a testimony of the gospel is to know and to feel, but conversion is to do. This addresses the greatest frustration for missionaries and those members in wards trying to bring the less active people back to church. So often the lost sheep do have a strong testimony, but they just do not want to take any action that would require them to change their current lifestyle or exert any effort, such as keeping the commandments. This is the barrier that stops many new investigators from joining the Church. People can gain a testimony that the Book of Mormon is true and that Jesus Christ lives, but they do not wish to commit to living in a way as to earn Eternal Life, which is the greatest of all gifts Heavenly Father promises each person in the world (if they want it).
Elder Packer went on to say, as is recorded in John 15, it isn't enough just to do, but a person must bring forth fruit (converts) and retain that "fruit" (not lose the members to inactivity in their Church membership).
We went away newly committed to continue in the work of the Lord and to do our best to bring souls unto Christ, for we know that is where true and lasting happiness is found for all mankind.
This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. John 15:12
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When we arrived for zone conference in the morning |
When we finally went home at the end of the day (it was Family Home Evening with YSA that evening) |
Elder Allan F. Packer, of the First Quorum of the Seventy, and brother of our mission president's wife, came to zone conference to share words of wisdom. His wife also spoke. They filled our day with things of the Spirit and made us grateful that we were here in England at this time to have a meeting such as that.
He said that a testimony of the gospel is to know and to feel, but conversion is to do. This addresses the greatest frustration for missionaries and those members in wards trying to bring the less active people back to church. So often the lost sheep do have a strong testimony, but they just do not want to take any action that would require them to change their current lifestyle or exert any effort, such as keeping the commandments. This is the barrier that stops many new investigators from joining the Church. People can gain a testimony that the Book of Mormon is true and that Jesus Christ lives, but they do not wish to commit to living in a way as to earn Eternal Life, which is the greatest of all gifts Heavenly Father promises each person in the world (if they want it).
Elder Packer went on to say, as is recorded in John 15, it isn't enough just to do, but a person must bring forth fruit (converts) and retain that "fruit" (not lose the members to inactivity in their Church membership).
We went away newly committed to continue in the work of the Lord and to do our best to bring souls unto Christ, for we know that is where true and lasting happiness is found for all mankind.
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