"His countenance was like lightening, and his raiment white as snow." Matthew 28:3
No, two pictures below are NOT from England, but couldn't resist posting Colorado snow along with some family. Who needs Christmas lights when you have kids like these? I can hang this picture on the tree and call it good. The only way I can sort out who is who in this picture is by the skis and snowboards because I know which of them don't board. There are two females (daughters), two husbands of daughters, and two teenage grandsons. Which one took the picture? Smith's provided their Thanksgiving dinner. Who wants to cook when the slopes are calling?
What is with the pink purse on the slopes? Ha, ha, that is the fashion daughter. |
England was not green today as seen through the car window as we traveled to look for flats to rent for the sister missionaries. It was about zero Celsius, which is equal to 32 Fahrenheit, with a gentle wind blowing that made it feel colder. I had seven layers of clothing on and boots! |
Elder Blain is sitting in the car in Didsbury today waiting to see a flat. We found another flat that is perfect--finally after looking in this area for almost two months!! There wasn't as much snow here as there was where we live. | |
Guess where I am sitting as we got ready to leave this morning? I am cozy in my seven layers of clothing and my dear husband, always the gentleman, is outside in his suit cleaning the windows. He will NOT let me help, so unless I'm really quick on the draw with the snow scraper, he usually does this job that no one likes to do on cold days. I am grateful that he always looks out for me in these ways, but I do feel guilty just sitting there watching him deal with what he calls, "Dirty rotten filthy white stuff." |
An interesting study from my window |
Kinda "cool" huh? |
What a sweet gentleman--always doing the hard stuff while I sit and watch |
He even looks pleasant as he does it. No gloves. What a tough, hardy pioneer! A man's man--a snowman--ha, ha! |
You should have posted the pic of C in their with her pink purse. hahah :-) Elder Blain always the gentleman! Lots of snow there, bet it reminds you of home. Love you guys!!!