". . . the Lord has . . . wrought so many miracles among the children of men . . ." 1 Nephi 17:51
Hawaiian Visitors Center--He is a God of miracles. |
The miracle of His birth | |
Kansas family at the Far West Temple. The miracle of families being able to be together forever--the miracle of temples--the miracle of a grandson going on a mission soon (this was the day he went to the temple for the first time)--the miracle of a new great grand baby on the way (mommy- and daddy-to-be are on the left wearing red and white clothing)--the miracle of being able to be together and have wonderful love and support for one another | | | |
The miracle of becoming a father and such a tiny little girl changing her daddy's life and growing his heart forever | | |
The Christmas season is a time to reflect on the miracles in our life. We may receive a miracle or two for ourselves without even noticing it, or we may be directed to provide a miracle for someone without us knowing it.
One of the missionaries told us that yesterday he felt a very strong prompting that he and his companion should go to a certain town they had never visited. They went to the town and were walking the streets talking to people and sharing the gospel message when a man stopped them and said, "I wanted to become a member of your church!" It shocked them as most people do not approach missionaries and ask to join the Church. The man knew a lot about the Church and had things come up in his life many years ago where he never got around to joining. When he saw the missionaries, he knew that is what he needs to do for his life and happiness.
We were driving to the post office yesterday and Elder Blain saw a young couple on the side of the road looking distraught. He said, "Those people are members of the Newcastle Ward." I didn't see nor recognize them and do not know how he saw them while he was driving, especially with him driving and sitting on the opposite side of the car. He drove around the block and we stopped to see what was wrong. They had run out of fuel. It was very cold outside, and we couldn't give them a ride due to mission policy, so we told them to give us their gas can and we'd go get them petrol while they stayed warm in their car. It only took us about 15 minutes, and they were grateful for the help. It would have been a long, cold walk carrying that can. We told them to consider it a holiday gift, since the Lord puts his missionaries in certain places at just the right time to bless the lives of others.
A family from the Czech Republic has health problems they need to communicate with the doctor here in England. We taught them how to tell the doctor what is wrong and also taught them exercises that our mission doctor has taught to those having back, neck, hip, and leg problems. He is a specialist among only a few doctors like him in the world. The mother had been praying for help . . . the Lord answered her prayers through us (being instruments in his hands is fun!). Their two-year-old son has a hole in his heart, and she prays three times a day that he will get help. I have faith that he shall have his miracle in the not too distant future.
As a ward member says, "There are no coincidences. These things in life are heavenly guidance and miracles."
We wish you could have come to the temple with us that day!! We missed you lots. Love you both!!